Q & A For Training Grants


Common Questions ABOUT the training grants available from the GOVERNMENT

Clearview has often been asked about any training grants available to them in Canada. We are pleased to provide some guidance as to grants that we are aware of and how they can find information online.


Does the government provide training grants?


Yes. The federal government has partnered with provincial and territorial governments to provide grants. This is available in all areas except Quebec.

 Clearview has been an approved training provider for the Canada Manitoba Job Grant (CMJG) and the Canada Alberta Job Grant (CAJG)

 Clearview is federally incorporated but based in Ontario and most of its clients have inquired about the Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG). It’s best to go directly to this site to find answers to questions they have.

LINK / https://www.tcu.gov.on.ca/eng/eopg/cojg/


General Questions Often Asked

 How much money can we get?

 For up to 100 employees, the COJG covers 5/6 (83.3 %) of the costs of training plus the portion of the HST that is not recoverable. The client covers the 1/6 (16.7%)

 From 2024 – 2025 Online Training Application

Note: Taxes should be included in the cost of training covered under COJG if the employer is paying them and will not get those taxes reimbursed. If the employer is getting the taxes back, they can only claim the portion of training cost that they will not be reimbursed on.

 Can Clearview apply for me?

 No. Clearview is considered a 3rd party and as the Training Provider, they cannot be involved in the process, except in providing a quote for the training services they can provide.

 Is Clearview an Eligible Training Provider?

 Yes. Clearview is considered a ‘Private Trainer’ that meets all the requirements as outlined on the COJG application page.

 Where do I apply?

There is an online portal with the government. https://www.eoss.tcu.gov.on.ca/COJG_Online/?locale=en#/COJG_Online/

 Can I get training and consulting services with the grant?

 No. The COJG only covers training.  There is often some confusion with clients of Clearview applying for a COJG grant because the name of our company is Clearview Training & Consulting.

 Who reviews the COJG application?

 In Ontario, it’s a local Employment Ontario Centre. They are referred to as the Service Provider. It’s best to contact an Employment Ontario Centre in your area to determine if they are accepting applications if there are still funds available and any other questions you have.


 The local Employment Ontario Centre then works with you to facilitate your application with The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development. They will gather information from you and usually decide within 2 weeks.

 How much can I get towards training?

 You are eligible to get up to $10,000 per staff member.

 How do I determine which training modules I need?

 If you contact Clearview, we provide a free training assessment conversation to determine what you need. Clearview can then make some suggestions around which training course will best meet those needs. Clearview is unique in that we provide over 100 different training courses that can have between 1 to 15 training modules.

See sample Training Courses https://www.clearviewtraining.org/training-courses

From COJG Guidelines: Can an employer request more than one training type on one application? No. Each COJG Employer Application is restricted to one course. Multiple modules of an individual course may be accepted but must be delivered by the same training provider.

(Therefore Clearview falls within these guidelines with one course with various modules)

 When I complete the online application, what information do I need?

 You will need to provide an outline of the training you have selected and the Training Provider you have chosen with the dates and location of those training modules. This information is submitted in the application.

 Do I need to provide additional quotes?

 YES. To demonstrate that you have done your due diligence, you will need to provide 2 additional quotes from other training providers. These should be from other qualified training organizations in Ontario that have listed their comparable training modules on their website with the costs per training module clearly stated on their website.

 The COJG has stated that for additional quotes, each of the 2 quotes should be from their organization. If that organization does not have all the same modules as what Clearview is providing, you must explain to the Employment Ontario office why and you can suggest other comparable training options.

 What else should I know about Clearview?

 1. Most clients of Clearview find obtaining quotes an arduous task because for a quote to be eligible you must show links to other training organizations who actually list their training modules with prices on their websites. Clearview provides all that information online on its website.

 2. Since many clients of Clearview are non-profit organizations, they often require training in 3 distinct training areas. Leadership, Board & Fundraising. There are just a handful of other training organizations in Ontario that cover all 3 areas. Therefore, supplying additional quotes is a challenge and a conversation with the Employment Ontario partner is imperative.

 3. What makes Clearview also unique is that they are an Approved Training Provider with 2 professionally recognized organizations that offer additional training credits in addition to the certificate that Clearview provides.

Human Resource Professionals Association (HRPA) / https://www.hrpa.ca

Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE)  / https://www.cfre.org

What are these additional ATTESTATIONS that I need to provide?

After you complete the online application, the Service Provider (Employment Ontario Office), will require you to complete and sign 2 attestation forms.

Empoyler Attestation

Training Provider Attestation

These are necessary to show that there is no conflict of interest.