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Larry Matthews

Larry Matthews, CFRE, President of KMA Consultants, has more than 30 years’ experience in fundraising and organizational communications, and has worked with more than 100 charities and not-for-profit organizations.

He began his career as a daily newspaper reporter in New Brunswick and Ontario, followed by 15 years of church denominational staff positions in international program management, communications, fundraising, and constituency research. In 1990, wanting to focus on fundraising, and serve a broad range of organizations, he became one of the founders of KMA.

Because of his experience in staff roles, on boards, as a volunteer and as a consultant, Larry brings a depth of understanding and a sense of realism to clients. He approaches fund development as an exercise in effective communications and healthy long-term constituency relations, and is adept at finding ways to include stakeholders in projects and decisions.

Capital campaigns and annual fund projects have been the centre of KMA’s and Larry work, including prepare the case for support for all campaigns, and for many other projects. In addition his experience in constituency research and communications been highly valued by many clients. He is known for his flexible, responsive style, and his commitment to clients.